Certificate of Non-Revocation and Non-Suspension of Enduring Power of Attorney

Certificate of Non-Revocation and Non-Suspension of Enduring Power of Attorney

Style Number: FAM00001

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Key details

Number of variables: 30

Time to complete: 1-2 minutes

Last updated: May 2016

Drafted by: LawHawk

Other details

A certificate of non-revocation and non-suspension of enduring power of attorney, in the prescribed form required by section 103C of the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 (the "PPPRA") i.e. as set out in Form 7 of the Protection of Personal and Property Rights (Enduring Powers of Attorney Forms) Regulations 2008.

The automated certificate of non-revocation allows you to quickly capture the details of the power of attorney instrument, the donor, and the attorney.  You will only need to capture and enter the details of the Donor once.  If the attorney is a trustee corporation, then the details of the trustee corporation can be selected from a list and inserted easily, along with an amendment to Form 7 to also confirm that the person signing on behalf of the corporation is an officer or employee of the corporation authorised by the corporation for that purpose.